Guest blog: Thalina Houghton, Allergies In Bold
Having the confidence to inject your EpiPen is one thing, but to stand tall knowing whatever your allergies may throw at you, you have what it takes inside to overcome it, is another. Hi, I am Thalina Houghton, I am sixteen years old and (not so surprisingly) I have multiple allergies - I won’t bore you with the long list! My first reaction took place when I was around nine/ten years old, having a kickabout with a few mates and out of nowhere, these raised lumps formed on my arms followed by the typical anaphylaxis symptoms. Following this, I...
Label reading
As an allergy mum when it comes to label reading I could write a whole book about label reading. It is a constant and something I do with every shop, even on brands that we regularly buy. For anyone suffering from a strict dietary requirement like an intolerance, coeliac disease or allergy, knowing that ingredients of a food product can simply change without needing to change the front of the packaging is really scary. It was really strange but when the new year started and we went back to the shops in January, a couple of regular and also one...
Gluten Facts
Cara Redpath Gluten More and more people are choosing to go gluten free. With so much information out there it can be difficult to know what to trust. Our coconut bread is naturally gluten free, so we asked our Nutritionist Cara Redpath to give us her expert opinion on gluten. What is gluten? Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, spelt and rye grains. It is made of the amino acid’s gliadin and glutenin. What is coeliac disease? Traditionally a gluten free diet was reserved exclusively for individuals with coeliac disease. Coeliac disease is a genetic...
Support Your Immune System
Word from our nutritionist Cara Redpath: Supporting Your Immune System The current global health crisis has left many of us fearful and uncertain about the best way to navigate this new reality particularly when it comes to looking after our health and the health of our loved ones. Supporting our immune systems has never been more important. I want to give you the tools to show your immune system a bit of extra love. Think of your immune system as your body’s own private army ready to jump into action and remove anything it doesn’t recognise or that shouldn’t...
Allergy Show & Free From Show Glasgow 2020
Our Allergy Show Glasgow stand was hugely successful and it is was wonderful to see people enjoying our bread. We were absolutely mobbed most of the time but it was lovely to meet everyone in person. Thank you so much to you all for stopping by, sampling our coconut bread and also posting on social media about us.